Shri Mohta Ayurvedic Rasayanshala
Shri Mohta Ayurvedic Rasayanshala

Basics of Ayurveda...
The word Ayurveda is a combination of "Ayus"- the span of life and "Veda"- the science of life is the knowledge of association of the body, the senses, the mind and the atma (spirit or the soul). It is an Indian system of natural cure. Ayurveda promotes good health and beauty. It cures by eliminating the fundamental causes of diseases. Ayurvedic remedies work by removing toxins from the body. It is said that Ayurveda is as old as the world itself. Its very basis is the spiritual knowledge of the ancient seers of India and the cosmic consciousness in which they lived. "The object of Ayurveda", said Susruta the famous physician some 2600 years ago, "is the restoration to health of those who are afflicated with diseases and the preservation of sound health of those who are well." There are no distressing side effects and it has, today, become an internationally acclaimed form of healing, rejuvenation and healthy living.
Ayurveda is the knowledge of life. This science originated from India more than 5000 years ago, and was part of the knowledge recorded in the Vedic scriptures. The Vedas (the term, ‘veda’, in Sanskrit is knowledge or science) are the world’s oldest available classics and ancient Indian books of knowledge. They provided guidance on all aspects of life—from engineering and town planning to philosophy and spirituality. These truths are as relevant today as they were in 5000 BC India, since the knowledge they contain is universal.
Ayurveda is recognized by the World Health Organization, and is currently used by 70-80% of the Indian population. Recently, Ayurveda has also become increasingly popular in the West.